Track: L4 Tendències

Wed 12
Speech - Catalan | Conferences

Do you Speak Creativity?

Pedro Olivares
Pedro Olivares Olivares Consulting Trainer
Donna Pace
Donna Pace Club Marketing Barcelona Fundadora i CEO/CIO de DP & Associates

12-06-2019 10:00 12-06-2019 11:00 Europe/Madrid Do you Speak Creativity? Hall 8 - L4 TENDÈNCIES
10:00h - 11:00h L4 TENDÈNCIES
Speech - Spanish | Conferences

The world that’s on the way

Pedro Olivares
Pedro Olivares Olivares Consulting Trainer
Joan Riera
Joan Riera ACTIVE DEVELOPMENT Professor d' ESADE / President d' Active Development

12-06-2019 11:00 12-06-2019 12:00 Europe/Madrid The world that’s on the way

We’re experiencing an unprecedented technological revolution: A wave of new technologies of an exponential nature set to bring more changes to many sectors in the next 10 years than those they have undergone in their entire history up to now. Are you ready?

11:00h - 12:00h L4 TENDÈNCIES
Speech - Catalan | Conferences

How to get customers in the new digital era

Pedro Olivares
Pedro Olivares Olivares Consulting Trainer
Álex López
Álex López Sartia Director

12-06-2019 12:00 12-06-2019 13:00 Europe/Madrid How to get customers in the new digital era Hall 8 - L4 TENDÈNCIES
12:00h - 13:00h L4 TENDÈNCIES
Speech - Spanish | Conferences

Entrevista a Jesús Vidal. Ganador de un Goya y Actor de la película Campeones.

Pedro Olivares
Pedro Olivares Olivares Consulting Trainer
Jesús Vidal
Jesús Vidal Actor i Director Teatral

12-06-2019 13:00 12-06-2019 13:30 Europe/Madrid Entrevista a Jesús Vidal. Ganador de un Goya y Actor de la película Campeones. Hall 8 - L4 TENDÈNCIES
13:00h - 13:30h L4 TENDÈNCIES
Speech - Catalan | Conferences

Inclou Futur: promoting social responsibility among SMEs

Júlia Gómez Vazquez
Júlia Gómez Vazquez PIMEC
Mateu Quesada Garcia
Mateu Quesada Garcia
Cecilia Gri Rabat
Cecilia Gri Rabat
Juana Villanueva
Juana Villanueva FIVE GUYS HR Director

12-06-2019 13:30 12-06-2019 14:00 Europe/Madrid Inclou Futur: promoting social responsibility among SMEs

Inclou Futur is a free service designed for SMEs to promote and place value on the recruitment of people with disabilities and mental disorders. This panel discussion will include the presentation of this inclusive service, promoted by the PIMEC Foundation in partnership with the XIB Network of Barcelona City Council.

13:30h - 14:00h L4 TENDÈNCIES
Speech - Spanish | Conferences

Libelium, a success story based on IoT

Pedro Olivares
Pedro Olivares Olivares Consulting Trainer
Alícia Asín Perez
Alícia Asín Perez Libelium Cofundadora i CEO

12-06-2019 14:00 12-06-2019 15:00 Europe/Madrid Libelium, a success story based on IoT Hall 8 - L4 TENDÈNCIES
14:00h - 15:00h L4 TENDÈNCIES
Speech - Catalan | Conferences

Start-ups Roundtable

Pedro Olivares
Pedro Olivares Olivares Consulting Trainer
Maria Eugénia Martín Hidalgo
Maria Eugénia Martín Hidalgo Colorsensing CEO
Talía Bonmatí Sempere
Talía Bonmatí Sempere Dinbeat CEO
Ainhoa Tolentino
Ainhoa Tolentino Onyriq Co-founder & CEO

12-06-2019 15:00 12-06-2019 16:00 Europe/Madrid Start-ups Roundtable Hall 8 - L4 TENDÈNCIES
15:00h - 16:00h L4 TENDÈNCIES
Speech - Catalan | Conferences

Sustainable Development Goals. How can I apply them to my business?

Jordi Oliver Solà
Jordi Oliver Solà Inèdit Innovació CEO
Carlos León Perfecto
Carlos León Perfecto PIMEC Membre de la Comissió de Sostenibilitat i Economia Circular

12-06-2019 16:00 12-06-2019 17:00 Europe/Madrid Sustainable Development Goals. How can I apply them to my business?

Implementation of the SDGs within the company. Introduction of a circular strategy into the business models; reuse, servicification, sectoral trends, opportunities to increase profitability and savings, etc.

16:00h - 17:00h L4 TENDÈNCIES
Speech - Spanish | Conferences

Winners: how to win customers in the Amazon era

Pedro Olivares
Pedro Olivares Olivares Consulting Trainer
Pablo Foncillas
Pablo Foncillas Winners Expert en Innovació Empresarial i Màrqueting

12-06-2019 17:00 12-06-2019 18:00 Europe/Madrid Winners: how to win customers in the Amazon era Hall 8 - L4 TENDÈNCIES
17:00h - 18:00h L4 TENDÈNCIES
Speech - Catalan | Conferences

Rock and Business

Pedro Olivares
Pedro Olivares Olivares Consulting Trainer
Josep Coll Rodríguez
Josep Coll Rodríguez Soci Fundador Ex President de Red Points

12-06-2019 18:00 12-06-2019 19:00 Europe/Madrid Rock and Business Hall 8 - L4 TENDÈNCIES
18:00h - 19:00h L4 TENDÈNCIES
Thu 13
Speech - Catalan | Conferences

Digital Business: What opportunities does the digital universe provide for your company?

Eva Marini Godoy
Eva Marini Godoy Barcelona Activa Coordinadora Servei Gestió del Talent
Celia Hil Morgades
Celia Hil Morgades Talento Cooldys Consultora i Experta en Marca Personal
Jordi Gili
Jordi Gili Execus Responsable de Producte
Ivan Sala Arazo
Ivan Sala Arazo Talent Clue Cofundador y VP
Santi Casas
Santi Casas Validated ID CEO

13-06-2019 10:00 13-06-2019 11:00 Europe/Madrid Digital Business: What opportunities does the digital universe provide for your company?

Whether your company is in the digital sector or not, this panel discussion will reveal how different digital solutions and businesses can help you in your daily business management and tasks. Four speakers specializing in different business areas will be taking part in this discussion.

10:00h - 11:00h L4 TENDÈNCIES
Speech - Spanish | Conferences

Innovation Management

Pedro Olivares
Pedro Olivares Olivares Consulting Trainer
Olga Sanjacinto
Olga Sanjacinto Google America Directora (2012-2018).

13-06-2019 11:00 13-06-2019 12:00 Europe/Madrid Innovation Management Hall 8 - L4 TENDÈNCIES
11:00h - 12:00h L4 TENDÈNCIES
Speech - Catalan | Conferences

Digital transformation and personal environments

Pedro Olivares
Pedro Olivares Olivares Consulting Trainer
Genis Roca
Genis Roca Associació Intercol·legial de Col·legis Profession Soci President de Roca Salvatella
Milagros Pérez Oliva
Milagros Pérez Oliva Associació Intercol·legial de Col·legis Profession Periodista i Articulista

13-06-2019 12:00 13-06-2019 13:00 Europe/Madrid Digital transformation and personal environments

A reflection on how the internet is changing our relationship with information, but also with representation, participation and governance

12:00h - 13:00h L4 TENDÈNCIES
Speech - Catalan | Conferences

How do I apply the new marketing trends to my SME?

Pedro Olivares
Pedro Olivares Olivares Consulting Trainer
Jordi Urbea Castells
Jordi Urbea Castells Ogilvy Barcelona Director General

13-06-2019 13:00 13-06-2019 14:00 Europe/Madrid How do I apply the new marketing trends to my SME?

The success of the new digital marketing of the 21st century is based on the following formula: the sum total of the consumer’s absolute knowledge and the application of the latest technologies, together with personalized creativity that captivates at the right moment and in the right channel and place. Jordi Urbea, general director of OgilvyOne and Ogilvy & Mather Barcelona, will speak about the above.

13:00h - 14:00h L4 TENDÈNCIES
Speech - Spanish | Conferences

The keys to commercial, professional and business success in the digital era

Pedro Olivares
Pedro Olivares Olivares Consulting Trainer
Andoni Rodríguez de Galarza
Andoni Rodríguez de Galarza ARDG Consulting Especialista vendes B2B

13-06-2019 14:00 13-06-2019 15:00 Europe/Madrid The keys to commercial, professional and business success in the digital era

This talk is a journey through my life. How, from my position as a director working at top-level companies and as an entrepreneur competing in an extremely fragmented market, I’ve discovered the keys to commercial, professional and business success and their application to the current context of the digital era.

14:00h - 15:00h L4 TENDÈNCIES
Speech - Spanish | Conferences

A B2B startup? Digitize your sales with Inbound Marketing

Pedro Olivares
Pedro Olivares Olivares Consulting Trainer
Oscar Torres
Oscar Torres ESADE Business School Director de Programa B2B Management
Nuria Nieto
Nuria Nieto ESADE Business School Colaborador Académico B2B Management

13-06-2019 15:00 13-06-2019 16:00 Europe/Madrid A B2B startup? Digitize your sales with Inbound Marketing

Do you still do B2C marketing for your B2B company? Expert Nuria Nieto will tell us how Inbound Marketing can help you to digitalise your sales and obtain better results.

15:00h - 16:00h L4 TENDÈNCIES
Speech - Catalan | Conferences

Towards a world with zero waste

Sergi Rufat
Sergi Rufat Social Business City Barcelona Member of the Board
Gabriela Sierra Fontecilla
Gabriela Sierra Fontecilla La Lliura Zero Residus President
Nikoletta Theodoridi
Nikoletta Theodoridi sObres Mestres Founder
Xènia Elias
Xènia Elias Associació Zero Waste Bcn Co-founder

13-06-2019 16:00 13-06-2019 17:00 Europe/Madrid Towards a world with zero waste

How can I incorporate the zero waste vision into a business project? Find out in this space for reflection on the use of the social economy as an innovative tool for waste prevention. You’ll do so by listening to the experiences of entrepreneurs involved in the Zero Waste Movement programme.

16:00h - 17:00h L4 TENDÈNCIES
Speech - Catalan | Conferences

Unleash the power of goal – setting

Pedro Olivares
Pedro Olivares Olivares Consulting Trainer
Nelly Torras Elías
Nelly Torras Elías Nelly Torras- Coaching, Training & Consulting CEO, Gerent

13-06-2019 17:00 13-06-2019 18:00 Europe/Madrid Unleash the power of goal – setting

Setting goals activates both your conscious and the subconscious mind so you can figure out what needs to happen to make your goals a reality.

Assigning each goal a clear deadline activates the Law of Attraction and you will begin to attract the resources necessary to accomplish your goals.

17:00h - 18:00h L4 TENDÈNCIES
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