Track: L3 Basics

Wed 12
Speech - Catalan | Conferences

How to set up a company in 48 hours

Veronica Dieguez Nuñez
Veronica Dieguez Nuñez Barcelona Activa Tècnica Simplificació Administrativa Empresarial

12-06-2019 10:00 12-06-2019 11:00 Europe/Madrid How to set up a company in 48 hours

Creating a company can be a complicated and slow process, full of complex administrative concepts. We’ll explain how to create a company using ICT via the CIRCE system, which provides information and advice and includes an electronic procedure for establishing trading and civil companies and enterprises for the self-employed.

Hall 8 - L3 BASICS
10:00h - 11:00h L3 BASICS
Speech - Catalan | Conferences

Different forms of entrepreneurship

Josep Soto
Josep Soto CAYPI Catalunya Gerent
Alberto Rodilla
Alberto Rodilla Estrategia NLR CEO
David Carranza Rabat
David Carranza Rabat Marimon Buendia & Carranza Socio - Director
Xavi Valverde
Xavi Valverde MaiTai Group CEO
Manuel Sbdar
Manuel Sbdar MateriaBiz CEO

12-06-2019 11:00 12-06-2019 12:00 Europe/Madrid Different forms of entrepreneurship

A round table involving three or four young businesspeople, who will explain their experiences when it comes to entrepreneurship, depending on the type of company (a startup, franchise or generational handover).

Hall 8 - L3 BASICS
11:00h - 12:00h L3 BASICS
Speech - Catalan | Conferences

After a period in operation, what wouldn’t I do again? A round table of women entrepreneurs

Paloma Miranda Santos
Paloma Miranda Santos Cambra de Comerç de Barcelona Tècnica d’Emprenedoria
Laura Alocén Portillo
Laura Alocén Portillo LAP Funerals Fundadora
Mònica Beguer Jornet
Mònica Beguer Jornet Territoris XLM Sòcia
Mertxe Gómez Ojeda
Mertxe Gómez Ojeda Umami World BCN Fundadora

12-06-2019 12:00 12-06-2019 13:00 Europe/Madrid After a period in operation, what wouldn’t I do again? A round table of women entrepreneurs

Laia, Mertxe, Mònica and Laura run companies in very different sectors, but they have one thing in common: they recently set up a business. They’ll share their experiences at a round table and answer the questions asked by a large number of entrepreneurs when they set up their businesses.

Hall 8 - L3 BASICS
12:00h - 13:00h L3 BASICS
Speech - Catalan | Conferences

A toolbox and Leader resources for companies and entrepreneurship in the rural world

Albert Puigvert Tuneu
Albert Puigvert Tuneu ARCA. Associació d'Iniciatives Rurals de Catalunya Gerent

12-06-2019 13:00 12-06-2019 14:00 Europe/Madrid A toolbox and Leader resources for companies and entrepreneurship in the rural world

The Leader grants constitute one of the main lines of funding for rural entrepreneurs and companies. They provide support and mentoring services for entrepreneurs, as well as tools that seek to boost business innovation (the green economy, etc.).

Hall 8 - L3 BASICS
13:00h - 14:00h L3 BASICS
Speech - Catalan | Conferences

The transformation of work: co-working as a tool with a social impact

Jordi Silvente
Jordi Silvente ALPHA ESPAI Coworking i Serveis President COWOCAT
Daniel Furlan
Daniel Furlan PIMEC 2030 President

12-06-2019 14:00 12-06-2019 15:00 Europe/Madrid The transformation of work: co-working as a tool with a social impact

Co-working has established itself as a transformational tool in the workplace and in social and business fields. The talk will be conducted by Cowocat, experts in transformation, and PIMEC, which will present and conduct a debate on future trends.

Hall 8 - L3 BASICS
14:00h - 15:00h L3 BASICS
Speech - Spanish | Conferences

A selection of the 20 mistakes no one should make

Joan Riera
Joan Riera ACTIVE DEVELOPMENT Professor d' ESADE / President d' Active Development

12-06-2019 15:00 12-06-2019 16:00 Europe/Madrid A selection of the 20 mistakes no one should make

After advising more than 500 entrepreneurs and businesspeople, we’ll provide you with the keys to avoid making the classic mistakes. A very intensive and entertaining session: An error every two minutes, are you ready?

Hall 8 - L3 BASICS
15:00h - 16:00h L3 BASICS
Speech - Catalan | Conferences

Incubation experiences in collaborative environments: entrepreneurship in a community

Hermínia Gil Canales
Hermínia Gil Canales Barcelona Activa Responsable d'Innovació Socioeconòmica
Rubén Bagüés Vicente
Rubén Bagüés Vicente Uikú Coworking el Prat, SCCL Soci i membre de la Comissió de Relacions Públiques
David Gómez Fontanills
David Gómez Fontanills Coòpolis Membre de l'equip del cercle d'incubació
Guillem Frutos Javierre
Guillem Frutos Javierre Barcelona Activa
Enric Miravitllas Pous
Enric Miravitllas Pous Barcelona Activa Director Operatiu de Desenvolupament de Proximitat

12-06-2019 16:00 12-06-2019 17:00 Europe/Madrid Incubation experiences in collaborative environments: entrepreneurship in a community

A round table involving several entities. They’ll pool experiences that have been gained in various locations in Barcelona aimed at supporting and incubating Social Economy and Solidarity and Socio-economic Innovation projects.

Hall 8 - L3 BASICS
16:00h - 17:00h L3 BASICS
Speech - Catalan | Conferences

Cooperative entrepreneurship tools

Cristina Delgado Piñero
Cristina Delgado Piñero Federació Cooperatives Treball Catalunya Gestora de Projectes

12-06-2019 17:00 12-06-2019 18:00 Europe/Madrid Cooperative entrepreneurship tools

We’ll explain two online tools for cooperative entrepreneurs. The tool to draw up a business plan and the entrepreneurial test (competences and abilities).

Hall 8 - L3 BASICS
17:00h - 18:00h L3 BASICS
Speech - Spanish | Conferences

Enisa: financing tailored to each company

Adela Gimeno
Adela Gimeno Enisa Departament Promoció i Comunicació
Mireia Solà Llort
Mireia Solà Llort Enisa Departament Promoció i Comunicació

12-06-2019 18:00 12-06-2019 19:00 Europe/Madrid Enisa: financing tailored to each company

The National Innovation Enterprise (ENISA) is actively involved in the financing of innovative business projects. Aimed at startups in their first phase of life and profitable projects in their expansion phase. Financing for startups and SMEs.

Hall 8 - L3 BASICS
18:00h - 19:00h L3 BASICS
Thu 13
Speech - Spanish | Conferences

Selection by values: How to select the best people for your business

German Cuenca Costas
German Cuenca Costas Ethikos 3.0 CEO
Anna Gascón Castañe
Anna Gascón Castañe ValueSquares Methodology CEO

13-06-2019 10:00 13-06-2019 11:00 Europe/Madrid Selection by values: How to select the best people for your business

The usual selection methods take into account the candidate’s training, experience and technical abilities and skills. However, if you’d like to know the person who’ll join the company and, above all, if you want the company’s culture and the way the candidate works to be coherent, selection by values takes on great complementary relevance.

Hall 8 - L3 BASICS
10:00h - 11:00h L3 BASICS
Speech - Catalan | Conferences

Making female talent visible

Maria José Blanco Gutiérrez
Maria José Blanco Gutiérrez Barcelona Activa
Anna Mercadé i Ferrando
Anna Mercadé i Ferrando Observatori Dona empresa i economia de la Cambra de Comerç de Barcelona
Fina Rubio Serrano
Fina Rubio Serrano Fundació SURT i Xarxa DDIPAS President
Joana Amat Amigó
Joana Amat Amigó FIDEM President

13-06-2019 11:00 13-06-2019 12:00 Europe/Madrid Making female talent visible

Despite the progress that has been made in terms of equality, women still find it more difficult to strike a balance between their personal and professional lives than men and continue to suffer from the effects of the wage gap and gender discrimination. What can we do to eliminate these difficulties?

Hall 8 - L3 BASICS
11:00h - 12:00h L3 BASICS
Speech - Catalan | Conferences

Davids and Goliaths. How to make one’s way in the cultural sector

Montse Grau Arnau
Montse Grau Arnau ICEC Tècnica
Cristina Torres Encinas
Cristina Torres Encinas TEM Produccions Directora General
Yolanda Aguayo Navarro
Yolanda Aguayo Navarro Lynx Edicions Directora financera
Esteve Lombarte Lladó
Esteve Lombarte Lladó Acqustic Platform CEO

13-06-2019 12:00 13-06-2019 13:00 Europe/Madrid Davids and Goliaths. How to make one’s way in the cultural sector

New players in the cultural sector explain their experiences competing with large well-established companies. This panel discussion will present new business models and ways of identifying market niches, as well as the financing tools used by the ICEC.

Hall 8 - L3 BASICS
12:00h - 13:00h L3 BASICS
Speech - Spanish | Conferences

Why doesn’t our marketing plan work?

Lluis Godayol Gené
Lluis Godayol Gené Cambra de Emprenedors i Empresaris de Catalunya Fundador i Vicepresident

13-06-2019 13:00 13-06-2019 14:00 Europe/Madrid Why doesn’t our marketing plan work?

When, as entrepreneurs, we begin thinking about reaching the market, major doubts about how to do so enter our minds. It’s at this moment that we should consider why the marketing plan doesn’t work. We’ll attempt to provide answers at this talk.

Hall 8 - L3 BASICS
13:00h - 14:00h L3 BASICS
Speech - Spanish | Conferences

Are you an innovative SME? Learn more about the fiscal support for RDI

Virginia Cirera
Virginia Cirera CINC Assessoria Abogada especialista en Derecho tributario y fiscal

13-06-2019 14:00 13-06-2019 15:00 Europe/Madrid Are you an innovative SME? Learn more about the fiscal support for RDI

We’ll discuss the tax benefits for innovative SMEs, especially the RDI tax deductible and the Patent Box, the tax benefit for knowledge and software companies. These are benefits that many people know little about, but they’ll make your company more competitive.

Hall 8 - L3 BASICS
14:00h - 15:00h L3 BASICS
Speech - Catalan | Conferences

Entrepreneurship and data protection

Maria Company
Maria Company Il·lustre Col·legi de l'Advocacia de Barcelona Advocada responsable

13-06-2019 15:00 13-06-2019 16:00 Europe/Madrid Entrepreneurship and data protection

The design of new products and services raises many questions, but there is little appreciation of the need for compliance with the regulations on the protection of personal data. This affects all activities across the board in the market. Acquire more knowledge on this issue at this talk.

Hall 8 - L3 BASICS
15:00h - 16:00h L3 BASICS
Speech - Catalan | Conferences

Do you want to launch a new project? Real testimonies that recount entrepreneurial adventures

David Gómez Liñán
David Gómez Liñán Business Angels Network Catalunya Analista de projectes

13-06-2019 16:00 13-06-2019 17:00 Europe/Madrid Do you want to launch a new project? Real testimonies that recount entrepreneurial adventures

A round table chaired by David Gómez, the BANC project analyst, involving three entrepreneurs ready to explain their business experiences. They will reveal their difficulties and challenges and offer advice to new entrepreneurs.

Hall 8 - L3 BASICS
16:00h - 17:00h L3 BASICS
Speech - Catalan | Conferences

Non-profit Special Work Centres: business partners that enable you to achieve a social impact

Victor Galmés Oliver
Victor Galmés Oliver Associació Empresarial Economia Social Dincat Gerente

13-06-2019 17:00 13-06-2019 18:00 Europe/Madrid Non-profit Special Work Centres: business partners that enable you to achieve a social impact

Entering a business partnership with a Special Work Centre makes a social impact. It helps to create and consolidate jobs for people with disabilities. The talk will highlight the sectors, services and products and list the alternatives for partnerships with a Special Work Centre.

Hall 8 - L3 BASICS
17:00h - 18:00h L3 BASICS
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