Exhibitor Services

Offer services to your exhibitors to optimise their participation in the event

Lead Retrieval

Help your exhibitors to efficiently obtain and manage their contacts.

Lead Retrieval is a contact manager that allows your exhibitors to scan, track, and obtain detailed information about their booth clients.


The Lead Retrieval application connects to your visitors’ database and allows your exhibitors to obtain their contact information simply by scanning their passes.


Manage your contacts

Do it instantly and without the need for physical business cards.

Get a list of organized and categorized contacts.

Control the capacity at your meeting or booth

Use the manager’s data to constantly control the capacity and influx of visitors at your booth or meeting.

Know your Buyer

Elaborate profiles of your customers during the exhibition using the data and send personalized communications

Track Relevant Key Performance Indicators

Receive real-time data and check our dashboard to see how your staff interacts with your customers and other relevant indicators.

Platform features:

Meeting Rooms

Optimise the management of your meeting rooms

Automates the management of meeting room bookings during the show.

Service advantages:

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